Winter Remedies And Healthy Living Tips


#remedies #healthy



When it comes to staying healthy during the colder months of the year, it can be a little bit of a pain. Winter is always a more vulnerable time of the year for anyone and in these cold conditions we are much more prone to suffering from a cold or the flu. This is why it is so important to make sure we keep ourselves in tip top condition during winter, and that’s why we have some handy tips for you to follow this month.


Protect your skin


The first thing you want to do for your health and also for your beauty routine is to look after your skin. Your skin is the first line of defense from the outside world and it is often what stops bacteria reaching our body to cause us harm. If you want to stay healthy this winter you need to make sure that you take the time to protect your skin all winter long. Apply moisturizer to your face, hands, and body in the morning before you leave the house, and always make sure to wash your skin properly and exfoliate to get rid of any excess dry skin.


Massage muscles


The cold weather can be particularly difficult for people with joint issues such as arthritis. If you feel as if you have these issues and you struggle with mobility during the winter, it could be life-changing to buy yourself a massage machine or ask your partner to massage your legs and back in the evenings. Massaging these areas will allow for more blood flow and this can greatly improve your mobility and health. It is crucial that you do this if you are driving to and from work each day because the last thing you want is to cramp up, collide and have to call a personal injury attorney because of it. Stay healthy and make sure you keep those muscles loose.


Wrap up warm


During the cold season, our bodies are left exposed to the elements and these harsh conditions can cause illness. Cold air in the lungs can cause chest and throat issues, skin exposed to the cold can become cracked and raw, and our immune system can become weaker leading to us to get sick more easily. To make sure you don’t have to worry about this too much, ensure that you wrap up whenever you leave the house and be sure that no vulnerable areas are exposed to the cold.



Use simple remedies


We all know that the best remedy for a sore throat is a drink of sugary, lemony water. But there is another remedy for a sore throat and rough chest which will warm the cockles of anyone’s heart: the hot toddy. A hot toddy is a drink which is ideal for you when you feel under the weather as it will work to coat the throat, make you relaxed and allow you to recover. It usually involves a sweet juice such as orange juice or blackcurrant, and a small squeeze of honey, lemon juice and a shot of brandy or liqueur- heated in the microwave. If you feel under the weather this evening, try this drink nice and warm, and you will feel so much better.




    • admin

      Thank you and thanks for all the Twitter love. Keep blogging!

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