Training For Health In The Summer – Taking The Wise Approach


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When the sun starts becoming more and more of a regular fixture during our days, for the most part we all start layering our clothing less and wearing less clothes in general. This can suddenly leave you realizing just how much you might have indulged over the winter and early-spring period. Of course, sitting there and feeling guilty won’t help you in any positive context at all. The best thing you can do, once you feel the urge to train again, is to go for it.


It might not be that you’re a beginner. It might be that you’re someone who wishes to better themselves in their current training schedule and they have all summer to reach a certain goal. It might be that you’re training for a certain event, or perhaps wish to join a team. You might be training hard for tryouts in the autumn period, or perhaps you simply want to go into the next winter with better habits.


When the sun is out, it’s always best to train carefully and reliably. Health is a big consideration here. But it’s also essential to understand how to progress reliably, no matter what level of progress you’re currently at, and to make the most of the gorgeous weather in doing so. Let us consider what this looks like.


Focus On Your Weaknesses



It might be that you’ve been squatting strangely so far, and your leg has started to feel quite tight and unpleasant whenever you conduct the exercise. It could be that you’re overtraining, or you’ve almost hit the limit of your natural genetic ability and wish to optimize. Spending the summer not on what will help you look the best, but what can help you grow and feel better in the sport will help you avoid a plethora of stagnant efforts and instead give you the tools to success. No matter if you wish to optimize your fitness efforts with neurological understanding by liaising with Dr Eric Cobb at Z Health, or if you wish to simply fix your squat form by once again reading the Starting Strength manuals or asking your personal trainer, the wise approach is always something that focuses on that which you’re struggling with – and trying to make it better.


Hydrate & Understand Nutrition


It’s extremely easy for even professional athletes to overheat in the summer, and this can prove quite a worrying health risk. No matter where you’re exercising, how you’re doing it or how long you hope to go, be sure to carry with you a large flask of water, and regularly top it up freshly throughout the day. Continuously drink it. Water intake for a health adult is usually in the ballpark of 2L-3L per day, but in the hot summer sun and exercising hard? It could be more. It’s also important to avoid eating heavy meals that require intense digestion because this can also raise your temperature, and make you feel extremely lethargic. Remember, if you feel overheated, taking a break is never a bad option, and refrain from exercising in the midst of the direct sunlight as this can also prove dangerous.


Alternate Sports


Finding exercises and training plans that can help you gain your necessary cardio while still staying cool and making progress can be worthwhile. Why not try rowing or swimming this summer? It’s sure to be a lot cooler than running. Why not try to train in new environments, build your own home gym area under the AC, or simply plan your heat-busting kit in advance? All of this can have a wonderful impact on your overall health.


With these tips, you’re sure to train well in the summer.

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