Thinking About a Career in the Dental Field? 4 Things You Need to Know


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There could be a whole array of reasons why you’re interested in going into the dental field. Maybe you’re wanting to be a dentist? Orthodontist? There are more dental-related roles in the dental career than these two. Regardless of the job you’re wanting, it’s best to know that dentistry is definitely very fulfilling and it’s something that professionals love doing. However, it’s not all just sunshine, just like the general medical field, or any field from industry, there are some negatives and there are things that need to be considered first.

When it comes to looking into a career, it’s always best to see what the positives and what the negatives are.  You just want to keep a hold of reality and know what may be expected of you before you get into said career. So here are some things you should consider and that you need to know about the dental field.


Networking counts

You may have thought that it’s only the business world where networking matters, but you’d be wrong. Even for most dentistry roles, you’re going to have to network. This includes networking with professionals, students, and even companies that sell dental supplies. Sure, it’s a lot of work to stay connected and find dental professionals but they can really give you the jump start that you need. This can include helping you land a job, get your foot in the door, and even get your name out there.

You have to be a people person

If you plan on interacting with patients (like many need to do in the medical field), you’re going to have to be a people person. You’re going to have to enjoy chatting with people, be able to take feedback, and handle general customer service. Most jobs in the dental field are going to require good communication skills with patients.

There are options

Whether you’re wanting to be a dentist or dental assistant, you should know that there are options for you. Dental School is a major investment, both in time and money. It takes an average of 6 years to complete school just to be a dentist alone, and you can expect more years to be topped on that if you’re interested in being a dental surgeon. Just know that you don’t have to be tied down to one option. There are programs out there for people who want to be in the dental field but don’t have the time or more to go into dental school.

You can be a business owner

It’s true, one of the beauties of being in the dental field is the fact that you don’t have to be tied down to working for a hospital or a company like many other professionals in the medical field. Sure, you’ll need to figure out what to do to become a dentist or anything else you’re wanting to be in the dental industry but the fear of being tied to an employer doesn’t need to exist. You can open up your own private practice or even work with a professional who has their own private practice. 



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