Thanksgiving Day Traditions at Our House


Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. I love spending time with family and friends. And I enjoy not having the pressure to buy gifts because this is the holiday to share gratitude. Over the years. we have celebrated in a variety of ways from having friends and family over for dinner to keeping it small and watching the parades and cooking. Here is our list of fun ways to give thanks this year.

Watch Football and Parades

We live in Detroit so we have our local parade in the city each year. The floats are amazing and the excitement builds up to the big day with events such as the Hob Nobble Gobble which benefits the parade foundation. When I was in High School, my family attended the Hob Nob and Gobble event on many occasions. It was fun to dress up and get a preview of all of the floats. Thanksgiving morning, many Detroiters go downtown to watch the parade in person. My family likes to watch it on television. My grandfather loved to watch the parades each Thanksgiving morning and he would always call me and ask “are you watching the parade?” After the parade, it’s time to watch the Detroit Lions play in the annual Thanksgiving Day game. We gather around the television while the turkey bakes and relax. And although the Lions often lose, it is a tradition to watch them any way and cheer the on in the hopes of a Thanksgiving miracle!

Take a Walk

Although weather can be a factor in Michigan, we love to get outside on Thanksgiving Day. Walking is a great way to get some fresh air and walk off the calories from the big meal. Dress warmly and be prepared for rain, snow or wind by shopping for winter gear at Talbots. Our neighborhood is special because we are surrounded by parks and wood and often see deer, foxes, geese and other wildlife on our walks.


Get Some Christmas Tasks Done

Another way to spend the day is by getting a head start on your Christmas to do list. This year, we are going out to dinner. So once the parades and the football game are on, I like to tackle my holiday cards. I order them in advance and pick them up so they are ready to address and fill with well wishes for family and friends near and far. It feels good to get them done and with the mail delays we are expecting, I want to get them mailed early.

I am looking forward to hearing your Thanksgiving traditions. Please share them in the comments. I am grateful for you all.



  1. I do agree with you to get Christmas decorations done from the Christmas list. I liked your tips. Thank you for sharing.

    • admin

      Thanks for taking time to comment, Melissa! Happy Holidays.

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