No matter if you own a gym or provide personal fitness coaching, it is hard to stand out from the crowd and differentiate yourself in the marketplace. At the same time, finding your first clients and learning about your target market will be time consuming and frustrating. The good news is that you can find prosperous partnerships in related industries that will help you pool your talents and improve your services to suit the needs of your customers better. Find a few collaboration ideas below.

You can team up with dietitians to share your knowledge and provide complimentary services and advice. You can stand out from the competition if you can offer a review of your customers’ diet, while your partner company can refer people to you at the same time. It is a win-win situation, as you are targeting the same problem in a different way, and can improve the results of each other’s customers.
Lifestyle Coaches
You might also get referrals from lifestyle coaches, and share your pool of clients. People who are unhappy with their health and their lifestyle are often looking to make a change on the fitness level, and that is why you might want to seek collaboration with lifestyle coaches. There are many ways you can get your fitness group in shape, and offering additional advice will improve your customers’ outcomes, too.
People who struggle with losing weight or managing their health, or find it hard to break up with bad habits often turn to hypnotherapists. You can provide the physical support, while the therapist will give the clients the strength to let go of whatever is holding them back from becoming the best version of themselves. This relationship can work very well if you and the practitioner have shared values.
Cosmetic Service Providers
Another potential collaboration can be with people who offer cosmetic services. Some people will see sudden weight loss and this will make them self conscious. This is why you might want to check out the abdominoplasty services in your local area and find out whether you could refer clients to each other’s business and benefit from more exposure.
Supplement Companies

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If you are running a busy gym, you cannot just rely on fast food and fizzy drink machines on site. You could have a salad or juice bar outside of the fitness center, but might also offer healthy supplements and ready shakes if you team up with companies that offer these at a discount. You can add an extra income stream to your business and provide more value to your customers at the same time. The company will benefit from the free brand exposure and advertising, so they are likely to offer you a discount.
Running a fitness business can be challenging, and it is important that you actively seek new opportunities to stand out and improve your value proposition. Seek collaboration with related companies, and create a shared marketing plan that will benefit you both.