Home-Based Businesses Can’t Afford Home-Made Solutions


There’s a common misconception that persists about home-based businesses, namely that starting and running a business at home require mostly a DIY approach. While it’s true that most business owners tend to encourage a more relaxed and casual atmosphere, it doesn’t mean that their solutions and presence are not professional.

The home-made point of view is the kind of thing you should leave to your craft hobbies. When it comes to businesses, regardless of the size, you can’t afford to do it yourself. The attitude that one can develop as a way of embracing and seeing past the imperfections has no role to play in the workplace. And this is true even more when your workplace is next to your bedroom. Ultimately, working from home makes no difference to the quality of services and presence you share with your market. In other words, solo entrepreneurs with a home office need to step up their game to compete with professional players.

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Do you trust your security expertise?

In the typical home office, you can expect your standard home laptop to act as a working tool, server, backup system, and data storage. Ultimately, most small business owners start with the equipment that is available in their everyday home, in an attempt to save costs. However, what seems at first like a hassle-free solution exposes your home system to a myriad of cyberthreats, downtime issues, and data loss crisis. Is it a risk you, a new entrepreneur with a limited budget and a small client list, are ready to take? Of course not! That’s precisely why every business needs professional managed IT services. Ensuring the ultimate protection of your IT system is essential to maintain your professional reputation.

I can do my own SEO says no-one

A single-person business is hard work. You have no time to waste! Ideally, you want the majority of your working hours to be dedicated to income-generating activities. However, you also need to ensure that your business remains visible online to appeal to future clients. With a limited budget, online paid marketing campaigns are not always a viable option. But an SEO strategy can provide a long-term alternative to boost your visibility. Ensuring that people know you exist needs expert skills, and not the kind of skills an entrepreneur can develop overnight. Working with professional SEO consultants can ensure direct traffic to your site.

Nothing looks less professional than a standard web template

With platforms such as WordPress or Wix.com, it can be tempting for an enthusiastic business owner to create their own website. After all, the handy templates let you build a functional site. Functional yes, but does a website that looks like every other site can get noticed in a competitive environment? The answer is no. Working closely with a web designer can ensure that your digital presence has not only a personality of its own but can maintain the brand’s image without losing any function. Nobody trusts a website that has an old-fashioned look. If you are using a standardized template, you are at risk of making your business look just like everyone else’s with no individual voice!


Home-based businesses need to work hard to stop their location from defining their performance. Home-based is by no means synonymous with home-made. Indeed, developing professional partnerships with experts who can improve your presence and reputation is essential to pierce in a competitive market.



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