A Pragmatic Approach to Your Business

Business Planner and Coffee

When we talk about business, much of the time, there are some practical tips mixed in with a lot of daydreaming and big wishes. That is great and can be very helpful for getting through the long hours. 

However, the pragmatic tips are the ones that give you solid knowledge and understanding of the task at hand. It is approaching your business from a practical standpoint to ensure your processes and systems are running well. 

An interesting piece on the topic says, “By thinking in a pragmatic fashion, philosophers could gain better insight into the future.” – Heidi Schave.


Photo by Estée Janssens on Unsplash


It isn’t just about being reliable; it is about only using reliable information, reliable suppliers, and working only with loyal employees. 

It is impossible to take a pragmatic approach to work if you are dealing with inconsistencies and ‘what-ifs.’ So being reliable is a must. 


Many people shy away from being too committed to anything, but the thing is that not being committed hinders progress. 

When it comes to goal settings, you should set goals that you aren’t willing to commit to achieving. 

When we achieve goals, we are given a boost of confidence and motivation. That motivation feeds back into our commitment to the task we want to achieve. It is a very positive cycle to be in. 

But from a practical standpoint, being pragmatic in approaching goals means you are more likely to complete them. 

Fresh Perspective

Emotionally we might tell ourselves that we are correct or that our opinion is the correct one. However, when you approach the issue from a pragmatic standpoint, you are more open to the views and ideas of others. 

Accepting fresh perspectives as a good thing rather than an attack on what has been done or considered is critical. 

Being pragmatic also means that you will be able to share your ideas and not be offended or upset if they are rejected or taken and manipulated so that they fit with the objectives of the business. 


When you make mistakes or see others make mistakes – if you approach it emotionally, then there is a chance that a small mistake can become a big problem. 

Human error is something that happens, and so long as you have taken steps to minimize the damage that might arise from mistakes, then they aren’t that bad. 

When you think practically, making mistakes can be a great way to learn and improve what you do and how you do it. 

Look at mistakes from a positive standpoint, and they aren’t as bad as they might seem at first. 

Goal setting

When we set goals, there is typically a mix of achievable goals and ones that we set that might be too ambitious for where we are currently. Taking a pragmatic approach to goal setting will mean that they are well planned. 

Goals need a range of smaller steps and checkpoints to reach them. Use a business planner to help you document your goals and progress.

Setting goals that make sense to your business and how you want it to look in the future means being organized and looking at where you are currently and the logical next steps. 

A pragmatic approach to your business means looking at things logically and practically, which may help you avoid many pitfalls of acting emotionally. 

Considering some new processes for your business? Automation is a great option: 3 Processes You Can Automate In Your Business.



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