Worried Your Staff Aren’t Happy? Here Are The Questions To Ask

Worried Your Staff Aren’t Happy? Here Are The Questions To Ask

As a business leader, you need to be on the ball when it comes to your staff. You need to know that they are happy to be working with you. Why? Well, unhappy employees make for unproductive, unmotivated and generally low-mood individuals. No one wants to go to work and dread what they have to do and who they have to see for the day. People go to work to be a part of a team, but if you’re not looking at why they are happy or unhappy, you’re not going to be very effective as a boss.

The good news is that there are things that you can ask to assess how happy they are. Employee engagement is imperative if you want your business to thrive, and communication is the best tool that you have to ensure that people will want to continue to work for you. So, here are some of the best questions that you can put to your team to assure yourself that they are happy, and if they are not, you can fix it!

Woman Wearing Blue Top Beside Table

Image Source: Pexels


What Are Your Goals?

Your staff want to know that you care about what they are trying to achieve. If you are just hiring cogs to work your business for you with no hope of promotion or bonus, then you will likely have a high turnover. It’s important that you ask people what their goals are at least once a year. This will help you to decide how to progress your staff the right way.

Are You Happy With Your Current Responsibilities?

Asking them if they are happy in their job doesn’t give them time to think about what they are actually doing – they’ll just say yes to settle the questions. Asking if they like their responsibilities gives them wiggle room to say no, and it helps them to really think about what they do day to day. They could be feeling too overwhelmed, and this is their moment to tell you that!

Did You Get The Right Training?

There are certain roles that require specialist training. Your staff are the only ones who can tell you whether they have had the right training. Since training evolves over time with today’s ever changing job responsibilities, you may need to ask your team about it. Be prepared to give them the training they want, though! Doing so will increase your credibility as a leader and increase your team’s productivity.

How Was Your Weekend?

Something so simple, to take an interest in their personal life, is a big deal to your employees. It tells them that you are ready to take on any of their personal worries and give them the slack they may need if things are stressful at home. It’s wonderful to be able to show people that you care, and this is the best way to do it. Showing the human side of work is an effective way to build trust and loyalty.

Am I Supporting You In A Way That You Need?

It’s the most important question to ask: you need to know that your staff are happy with YOU as an employer. If you are not supportive enough, you need to know. It may be tough to hear it, but you need to!



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