Safe Self-Care During the Pandemic

Self Care

We are living in uncertain times. Each day brings a new set of challenges and changes to our daily schedule and routine. Many people are feeling stress and are not sure what the safest way is to manage it. It is possible to feel calm and practice self-care during the COVID – 19 pandemic.

Go For A Walk

Walking outside is one of the best ways to combat stress. If you and your kids are working at a computer for many hours each day, take frequent breaks to get up and walk around. The fresh air and sunshine will do wonders for your wellbeing. Sunshine helps to boost your vitamin D levels. Your mind and your body need to walk away from technology at regular intervals.

Hit the Road

Going on a short road trip is a nice way to break up your routine. You can stay with a friend or relative who feels healthy, has no symptoms or ideally has tested negative. Or you could camp in the great outdoors with your household contacts only. It is also possible to stay in a hotel if you are careful. Be sure and check out my blog post about staying healthy on a roadtrip. No matter which type of lodging you choose, hitting the road is a fantastic way to practice positve self care. You will be so glad that you got away. It is a bonus if you get to see and spend time with family.


Get a Massage

Massage therapy is one of my favorite forms of self care. If you are thinking about getting a massage, be sure you look for a studio that follows healthy protocols. First, make an appointment and call from your car when you arrive. Sitting with a bunch of people in a waiting room is not an ideal way to wait for a massage during a pandemic. Stay in your car or wait outdoors if the weather permits. Second, wear your mask. Also expect all staff you interact with to be wearing their masks. It is just common courtesy. Once you get settled lying face down, you my remove your mask but wear it until you are in your therapy room and settled. Lastly, make sure the therapist sanitizes all surfaces before and after your session. I recently had a massage at Elements Massage during the pandemic and it was perfect. They made me feel safe and relaxed and put my mind at ease.

Try Something New

The best way to let your mind wander and feel a sense of release from stress is try something new. Over the weekend, I rented a scooter and rode it around the riverwalk in Cincinnati, Ohio. I had always wanted to try one. Although, I had to focus on balancing once I got going, I loved it. Being outside in the fresh air and near the water was soothing to my mind and body.

Hit Some Golf Balls

Golf is a sport that require alot of practice and concentration. But the more time you put into it, the better you get. I like to play nine holes whenever I can. Sometimes, I just go to the driving range and hit a bucket of golf balls. Whenever I play, I feel like a huge weight is lifted from me. The combination of being outside and focusing intently on something beside work and the pandemic and everything else that is bothering me, does wonders. I consider it a form of self care.

I am interested in hearing what types of self care you are practicing during the pandemic. Share your thoughts in the comments. And remember – self care is NOT selfish.


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