Relieve Stress with a Trip to a Bunny Cafe


It is no secret that spending time with animals can reduce stress. Many studies have shown that owning a pet can actually reduce blood pressure. If you are travelling and your days are packed with sight seeing and organizing transportation, you may want to schedule a trip to a pet cafe during your trip.

When my family and I traveled to Japan, we stopped at a wonderful Bunny Cafe in Akihabara. It was tucked away on a side street and was not super busy. Many of the animal cafes we saw in Shibuya and Harajuku had long lines but this one did not. We got there right when it opened and had no wait.

Most of the visitors to the Bunny Cafe were young families. But there was a man in a business suit who came to pet the bunnies and take a break from his busy day. It is not uncommon for adults to visit an animal cafe over their lunch hour.


When we entered, we were given a waiver to sign and an apron to wear. The space was small but was divided with small gates. We were able spend time in a couple of the pens with the bunnies. And we purchased little cups of food to feed them. The rabbits were so sweet and affectionate. My kids really enjoyed playing with them.

I was stressed about leaving Japan because my daughter was studying there for six months. We visited in December and she still had a couple of months left of her study abroad experience. Our trip to the Bunny Cafe came at just the right time in our trip and was the perfect way to relieve stress before our family was separated for a few months.



  1. I am always curious about animal cafes for ethical reasons, how did they seem to be kept and treated? There were so many different types in Japan though! I saw Puppy, Cat, Rabbit, Hedgehog and Owls. I absolutely love that there was a man in a business suit with the rabbits, it just proves that they really are a stress release. I bet your daughter is having/had the most wonderful time, I would love to study in Japan! Would be interested to hear what else you got up to too xx

    • admin

      The rabbits were treated very well and had clean cages and seem to be well fed. I liked how they set up small pens for guests so that there were never too many people near the rabbits. I saw a lot of different animal cafes in Japan too!

  2. Omg I’ve seen cat cafes and I’ve seen dog cafes. I’ve even seen owl cafes! But bunny cafes!!!! This is amazing! I would probably never leave😊

    • admin

      Thanks for your comment! The bunny cafe was pretty amazing. My daughter has also been to a hedgehog cafe which I am not sure I would try.

  3. admin

    Absolutely! The bunnies were well cared for and the cafe we visited has been in business awhile. Thanks for taking time to comment.

  4. This is such a great concept! I love the idea of being able to hang with bunnies like that. I would imagine those animals were treated great too. Being in the eye of the public like that I would think they would be clean and well kept. I would love to visit one of these types of places with my daughter. She is a true animal lover!

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