Recruiting For Creative Roles – What You Need To Know

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Creativity is important to any business. Even a stuffy law firm or accounting company will need a couple of creative thinkers on the team to ensure that new ideas are always being brought to the table. In fact, many business experts would argue that no company would be able to survive today’s competitive environment without a balance of creative and analytical skills. So, if you think that your business is currently lacking in this department, it’s a good idea to think about recruiting a few creative thinkers.



However, recruiting for creative roles isn’t easy, especially if you aren’t really creative yourself. Thankfully, these next few tips can get you through the recruitment process for these kinds of openings.


Nail The Job Post


To ensure that you get the right people applying for your open positions, you will need to write up a very detailed job posting. If you fail to do this, you might find that a lot of people with the wrong kinds of creative skill sets end up applying for the job. That will create a lot of extra work for you as you will have a lot of unnecessary applications to sift through. So, make sure the job post clearly describes the responsibilities that come with the role and the type of person you are looking for to ensure that you always attract only the right type of applicants.


You Have To Be Cruel To Be Kind


You can’t hide away from rejecting people when you are hiring new employees. There will always be too many people applying for each open position and there is no way you will be able to hire them all. Even though it may not seem like it, this rejection is even in the candidates’ best interests as they will be able to go and find a job that better suits their skill set. When you do get back in touch with each candidate, make sure that the job rejection email is not too harsh as this could come across as offensive. Don’t forget to also thank them for their time.


Take The Interview Stage Seriously


Some entrepreneurs and business owners make the mistake of not putting enough preparation into the interview rounds. However, interviews need to be taken very seriously as they can really help you whittle down the candidates and find the best one for the job. So, it’s worth taking some time out to come up with questions about an individual’s previous creative experience in the workplace.



Don’t Be Afraid To Set A Challenge


Lots of companies are now introducing a test round into their whole recruitment process. This gives each candidate a chance to show off their creative thinking and talents. It also gives you the chance to make sure that their creativity is up to par and will ultimately be a benefit to your company. The tests shouldn’t be too difficult, but they should be a challenge that brings out an individual’s creative flair.


These tips should make recruiting for creative roles a lot easier!

Princeton Wide pinterest-schedule-and-post-directly-to-
Last updated on February 4, 2019


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