I Just Want to Relax


Today is National Relaxation Day and I plan to embrace it. Even though it is a workday and summer is wrapping up so there are many tasks that need to get done, I feel like it is a perfect time to relax. Here is my list of tips for when I just want to relax.

Photo by Elina Fairytale: https://www.pexels.com/photo/woman-relaxing-in-yoga-mat-3822647/

Get Away for the Weekend

It is difficult to carve out time for yourself, but it really is important. If you spend a weekend relaxing, you will reap the benefits. This weekend, I went to a pool party with fun music from the fifties and sixties. Then on Saturday, I met friends for a Food and Wine show. Following the show, we had cocktails and dinner and walked around downtown. We spent the night in a fun hotel and laughed until our sides hurt. We even packed hydrating face masks and did a mini spa night together. The next morning we treated ourself to a long walk and brunch and wrapped it up with a trip to the Immersive Van Gogh exhibit. so whether it is a trip to the pool or a trip downtown, make it a priority to take break.


Go to Yoga

Would I rather sleep in on a Monday morning? Yes. But when I challenge myself to go to yoga, I am so much happier. Carve out some time for yourself, put it on your calendar and do it. When I start my week with a yoga class, my whole week goes more smoothly. I spend a lot of time in front of a computer so it is must for me to stretch out before my work week begins.

Pick Up Your Phone

I am not talking about texting and checking your e-mails. Use your phone for relaxation. Try a meditation app. Explore a relaxing playlist. I discovered a playlist that I have been using to take a break in the afternoon. It instantly calms me and helps me to relax. Although I tend to have high blood pressure, when I listen to soothing music, I can see my pulse going down on my smart watch and have noticed that my blood pressure is not elevated at the end of day.

As I move into the work week, I am choosing to make a an effort to relax. Instead of getting caught up in the craziness of work and family drama, I am being mindful of myself and my health. And I am scheduling time in my calendar to make it happen. I hope you will add your tips for relaxing in the comments.



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