How Enterprise Technology Is Broken And What You Can Do To Fix It

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Enterprise technology is the backbone of the modern economy. Less sexy than its consumer counterpart, it’s the myriad services businesses use to keep their operations going. But there’s a problem: it’s not working very well, at least for some entrepreneurs. And that’s causing big headaches.

One of the most common mistakes that businesses make when addressing their technology needs is digitizing existing content and integrating to existing systems through new tools and solutions. With a myriad of tools available, it is easy to see how entrepreneurs can end up a step behind their competitors as a result of lack of knowledge and guidance. That is precisely where the first step in fixing your tech environment is reaching out to experts, such as John Yokley PTFS founder, to bring your content strategy up to speed with current expectations and needs. 

Ensuring your existing content remains easily accessible and can be leveraged for growth is crucial. Only then can you consider how tech can help bring new content to life for you and your audience. 


There are always issues with new enterprise software and services. But today’s issues are more critical than ever, given the reliance most business leaders have on their technology to function as advertised. So what’s broken and how can you fix it?


Enterprise Tech Is A Step Behind Consumer Counterparts

Consumer technology is pretty exciting. Every year, we get treated to a raft of new technologies at shows like CES. Enterprise tech, on the other hand, always seems to be playing catch up. Part of the reason for this is structural: businesses depend heavily on their existing technology stack, and it can be costly to change. But it’s also the result of a lack of excitement in the sector. Enterprise tech doesn’t always inspire.

With that said, some companies and managed IT services are staying current. Many are beginning to incorporate a consumer mindset into their own operations and are providing company leaders with the tools they need to transition to newer products quickly.

Poor User Interface

Ask any consumer-facing software business what they think is the most essential feature of their product, and they’re likely to say the user interface. Popular apps do a great job of making their UI intuitive and straightforward. But the same can rarely be said of enterprise technology. Often interfaces are hard to understand, ugly and unnecessarily cluttered.

Poor UI remains a significant problem for entrepreneurs. Often, only a few people in any organisation understand how to use enterprise-facing products, with others merely relying on basic rules to see them through. The solution is twofold: to provide training to staff, and to lobby solution providers to improve their products.

Lack Of Feedback Facilities

Customer-facing software products provide users with multiple feedback methods. They can write reviews online, send specific feedback messages to the company providing the product, or rate on the app store. But enterprise technology providers rarely collect data like this on a mass-scale to improve their product. Often, they’ll rely on dribs and drabs of feedback from particular clients via email. Feedback like this is not conducive to creating better products.

What enterprise technology companies need is a feedback mechanism that helps them to focus on the most critical issues, rather than a nitty-gritty approach which sees them splintered in all directions. Knowing this, entrepreneurs need to provide practical advice on how the product could be improved overall, rather than for them in particular.

Lack Of Differentiation

Breaking into the enterprise technology market is difficult. The incumbents include firms like Apple, Microsoft and Cisco – big players that have been around for a long time. Smaller entrants not only have to address unmet needs, but they have to do so in a recognizable way by differentiating themselves. They don’t always succeed. Buyers, therefore, need to look past brand signals and investigate all third-party providers to see whether they offer additional value.



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