Keeping Your Staff On Board


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Right now, the job market is pretty tumultuous. The coronavirus and Covid-19 pandemic has seen countless people losing their jobs – either through their company collapsing or redundancy. These events equate to a lot of people looking for work right now. But that also doesn’t mean that you’re secure with the employees you’ve managed to keep on board throughout the course of the pandemic. There are a lot of people looking for new staff too, so you’re going to have to work hard to keep your employees on board. Many people have had time to reflect on their work and what they want to do over the past year and a half, which means some may be considering looking elsewhere. This is especially true if you aren’t treating staff as well as other employers are. But what can you do to keep your team on board? Here are a few suggestions that can help with this!

Staff Satisfaction Surveys

To ensure you’re keeping your staff happy, it’s good to know whether they are happy or not. Of course, the vast majority of people won’t actively tell their employer that they’re unhappy, disappointed or frustrated with any element of their work. At the end of the day, they won’t want to risk rubbing you up the wrong way to the detriment of them or their job. But you can often gain honest feedback through staff satisfaction surveys. Make sure your survey is anonymous and online, so staff don’t need to worry about their handwriting being identified. Ask questions about what you can do to improve their work experience, as well as what is working, so you can continue doing the things that your staff do already love.


Employee Rewards and Benefits

You should give your staff something that keeps them happy over time. This means employee rewards or benefits for staying loyal to your company and performing well. These benefits can put a smile on your team members’ faces and can serve as a serious perk that they may be reluctant to give up when moving to another company. Some examples of good employee rewards and benefits include:

  • Cash bonuses at the end of each quarter for achieving targets
  • A company car or car contribution
  • Staff discount at participating retailers
  • Offering grocery store vouchers at
  • Expensed lunches or staff nights out

Team Building

A strong team can work together to hit targets and reach their full potential. A team that gets along with one another is also more likely to want to continue to work together, rather than potentially pushing one another out of the company. Team building activities can help with this. You may want to consider occasional, small-scale team building activities, or you could dedicate a full day, once a year, to an intense team building day out.

These are just a few suggestions that can all help to build a team who are happy within their roles and within your company.



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