Follow These Tips To Show Your Employees You Care

Employees linking arms

Running a business takes a lot of hard work from the leadership across the board to the front lines who interact directly with your customers. When you have a good team of people you value and who do their jobs well, you want to show them how much you care. Follow these ideas to celebrate those who make your company run smoothly and efficiently every day. 

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Host a Party for Your People

If you want to show your employees how much you value them as part of your company, throw a party in their honor. A party for your employees is a great way to connect without the worry of work deadlines, networking, and project progression. It is simply a reason to gather and enjoy one another’s company in a different capacity.


You can make the party adults-only for your team and their partners or invite the whole family. The more, the merrier. Based on what mood you are going for, you can set the tone for the whole event. 

  • Adults Only – If you choose this option, consider making it a fancy occasion by hiring a corporate catering company to take care of the food. This way, it will be elegant, delicious, and you will not have to do any food prep. Add a dress code for an even more memorable event. Hire a band to play and encourage an evening of good conversation, great food, and a lot of fun.
  • Families – Hosting an event for your employees and their families is also a good idea. This will give everyone, including you, the chance to get to know one another on a more personal level. You have seen the family photos on office desks, and now you will get to meet the people in person. Task or hire a game coordinator to plan the activities and book the caterer for a great day of fun.

Offer Special Perks to Your Team

To show your employees how much they mean to you and that you value their dedication to your company there are several more things you can offer them, including:

  • Company Swag
  • Extra Time Off
  • Gym Membership
  • On-site Childcare
  • Stocked Kitchen
  • Espresso Machine

Take a look at this video for inspiration on how showing appreciation can make a change in someone’s life. This message can translate into your workplace by way of encouraging you to take an extra step to get to know your employees and express appreciation for things they do instead of a generic “job well done.”

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Your team of employees are the first ones consumers see and hear. The success of your company depends on them. When your people feel valued and are happy at work, it shows. In turn, customers can tell when the work culture is positive. Happy employees equal happy customers. And that is exactly what you want to keep your company moving toward its goals to achieve success and a productive work environment. Make your company the place where everyone wants to work because you care.


1 Comment

  1. Charity

    These are such great tips. It’s so important that employees feel like their employer cares about them.

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