5 Types Of Marketing Events To Boost Business


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Marketing events can be an exciting way to promote your product. By presenting your brand to a live audience, you can create an experience that’s physical and interactive. Here are just five types of marketing event that are worth trying.


Sales conferences


Sales conferences are opportunities to pitch your product to an audience of potential buyers. They tend to be on an invite-basis only or may require attendees to sign up beforehand. A conference could be an opportunity for potential buyers to ask questions and perhaps even get hands on with the product before making the decision to buy. Such events tend to be used to sell large value items where buyers may need more persuasion before parting with their money. It’s worth making the venue exciting when putting on these conferences – you can use sites such as Find Me A Conference’s venue finder to help find the right location to host your event.


Trade fairs


Trade fairs are events in which multiple companies come together to promote their brands. The trade fair itself is usually themed around a niche as to attract a certain audience – this could be anything from gardening to business technology. Each company gets their own stall or booth and must compete with the others for attention. Such events generally involve investing in some branded signage or a marquee – the likes of ADM Productions trade show production companies can be useful for organizing all this branding. Such events are also great for networking as well as scoping out competition.


Launch parties


If you’re just launching your business, you may want to host a launch party. These are celebratory events in which the aim is to simply build some initial buzz. It’s common for companies to invite influential people to these parties such as local journalists and other local business owners. Launch parties can be a chance to promote your product, however the focus is on creating a sense of fun and making a splash in the market.





Seminars are events used to educate a group of people on a certain topic. While they are not strictly marketing events, seminars can be used for marketing purposes. By sharing your knowledge, you can come across as a more credible business owner and potentially win over some clients. Seminars can be interactive – these are often known as workshops and could be a way of teaching a skill in a short period of time. This could be anything from how to use WordPress to how to sell to people over the phone.


Sponsored events


It’s also possible to sponsor events. These are events organized by other people in which you offer some funding in return for being able to promote your company. Common events to sponsor include local festivals, sporting events and fairs. You can even sponsor charity events, giving to a cause that matters to you while promoting your product.

Tailwind Visual Marketing Suite
Last updated on June 1, 2019


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